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The latest rule checks that module arguments like those used for source control checkout do not have arguments that might generate different results based on context.

This more generic rule replaced two older rules named git-latest and hg-latest.

We are aware that there are genuine cases where getting the tip of the main branch is not accidental. For these cases, just add a comment such as # noqa: latest to the same line to prevent it from triggering.

Possible errors messages:

  • latest[git]
  • latest[hg]

Problematic code

- name: Example for `latest` rule
  hosts: localhost
    - name: Risky use of git module
        repo: ""
        version: HEAD # <-- HEAD value is triggering the rule

Correct code

- name: Example for `latest` rule
  hosts: localhost
    - name: Safe use of git module
        repo: ""
        version: abcd1234... # <-- that is safe