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This rule recommends reordering key names in ansible content to make code easier to maintain and less prone to errors.

Here are some examples of common ordering checks done for tasks and handlers:

  • name must always be the first key for plays, tasks and handlers
  • on tasks, the block, rescue and always keys must be the last keys, as this would avoid accidental miss-indentation errors between the last task and the parent level.

Problematic code

- hosts: localhost
  name: This is a playbook # <-- name key should be the first one
    - name: A block
        - name: Display a message
            msg: "Hello world!"
      when: true # <-- when key should be before block

Correct code

- name: This is a playbook
  hosts: localhost
    - name: A block
      when: true
        - name: Display a message
            msg: "Hello world!"


Making decisions about the optimal order of keys for ansible tasks or plays is no easy task, as we had a huge number of combinations to consider. This is also the reason why we started with a minimal sorting rule (name to be the first), and aimed to gradually add more fields later, and only when we find the proofs that one approach is likely better than the other.

Why I no longer can put when after a block?

Try to remember that in real life, block/rescue/always have the habit to grow due to the number of tasks they host inside, making them exceed what a single screen. This would move the when task further away from the rest of the task properties. A when from the last task inside the block can easily be confused as being at the block level, or the reverse. When tasks are moved from one location to another, there is a real risk of moving the block level when with it.

By putting the when before the block, we avoid that kind of risk. The same risk applies to any simple property at the task level, so that is why we concluded that the block keys must be the last ones.

Another common practice was to put tags as the last property. Still, for the same reasons, we decided that they should not be put after block keys either.


This rule can be automatically fixed using --fix option.